Omar’s Blog #4: International Trade after the US Elections

Yesterday, it became clear that Joe Biden has won the US Elections. It is a close call and therefore the steps ahead will be challenging for his administration, especially after Trump’s unusual way of doing diplomacy worldwide. But after being…

A Climate Saver Better Than Her Reputation

“You are failing us!”. According to climate activists, politicians have made false promises ofgreen growth, cheap change and looked the other way once sacrifice became inevitable. Thereis an abundance of good reasons to agree with that. However, a blame race…

Can a Sustainability Taxonomy Make the World a Little Better?

Pictures from the Greek refugee camp Moria left me staggered. A desperately overcrowded camp on the margin between the Middle East and Europe stood in flames. The dancing fires and the dark clouds over the camp have been the expression…

Is Free Trade the Main Cause of Unemployment? A Misleading Populist Belief in the Age of Automation and Artificial Intelligence.

A rising group of populist political organisations is decrying globalisation and free trade agreements as an absolute evil and a source of mass unemployment for their national or local economy. Arguably, an unfair trade deal policy can cause several employment…

The Ten Most Liberal Countries in Asia

In our previous articles, we at Libel have presented top ten lists of different regions around the world, such as Africa and Latin America. Now it’s Asia’s turn. The biggest continent by both landmass and population is home to various…

Cancel Culture in Economics?

In the rise of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests all over the globe, a great number of statues have been torn down or destroyed. From Edward Colston over Christopher Columbus to Winston Churchill, a wide range of historical figures have…

What our Colonial Past Teaches us about Privilege

This article is probably one of the most challenging ones I have ever written. The killing of George Floyd at the end of May made me speechless. Seeing pictures of a man, desperately begging for help, fighting for his life,…

How Poor Countries Pay for the EU’s Agricultural Policy

EU agricultural subsidies are not just expensive and distort the internal market, they also have far-reaching effects on developing countries. How do African farmers feel about the fact that the EU subsidises its farmers and exports their products to Africa?…

Close the Infrastructure Gap!

In previous articles, we frequently talked about opportunities for economic development and what kind of policy measures have to be provided in order to facilitate sustainable and inclusive global economic growth. But regardless of which region in the world we…

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