Contact-Tracing Apps: Different Countries Different Rules

All over the world governments have started to use contact-tracing apps to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the use of this technology is touted as an effective way to limit transmission of the virus, critics worry about the privacy of…

The Problem with Pandemic Bonds

In 2017, the World Bank launched “Pandemic Bonds”, specialized bonds to provide financial support to the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF). The creation of the PEF was announced by the World Bank in May 2016 at the meeting of G7…

The discrimination of Roma – Europe’s biggest minority in the shadow

Romani people such as Roma,Sinti, Iberian Kale, Welsh Kale and many others are the biggest minority in Europe- and probably the most forgotten. Approximately 10- 12 million Romani are living Europe, though the number of population can only be estimated…

Coronavirus Phobia: My Views As a Pakistani Medical Student, Studying in China

Since the public revelation of NCOVID19 in January 2020, there has been a steep rise in cases of phobia induced racism all around the world. While it’s normal for people to fear the unknown, what makes things worse is the…

Interview with Nikolay Artemenko

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Nikolay Artemenko is the Federal Coordinator of Vremya, a Russian youth movement that started in St Petersburg, and now has local branches in 19 different russian cities. He has…

Representing IFLRY at the Council of Europe

Besides the European Union, there is another, less well-known regional international organisation called the Council of Europe (CoE). Its stated aim is to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. The organisation has a narrower focus…

The Ten Most Liberal Countries in Latin America

Latin America is a paradox. It is the only region in which democratic governments and high poverty levels go together. Right behind North America and Western Europe, the Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index claims Latin America to be the third…

Freedom House Report 2019: Democracy in Retreat

Every year Freedom House carries out an assessment of political rights and civil liberties around the world. Its latest report suggests that a ’13-year decline’ can be observed in global freedom. See below for some of the most important developments.…

The Morality of Chinese Foreign Direct Investments

The People’s Republic of China is the second largest single economy in the world. Not just its GDP is impressive, but also Chinese growth rates outnumber almost every other economy in the world. There are Chinese cities – most of…

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