A rising group of populist political organisations is decrying globalisation and free trade agreements as an absolute evil and a source of mass unemployment for their national or local economy. Arguably, an unfair trade deal policy can cause several employment…
Tag: trending
Pandemic and People’s Liberties
There has been a wide range of government responses during the Covid-19 pandemic, some were very harsh, like the ones in China and India where movement of people was severely restricted, other responses, such as the ones in Taiwan and…
Interview with Maria José Bernal from Students for Liberty Colombia
Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. We have been doing most of our previous interviews with national organizations, but Students for Liberty is an international organization. Could you talk a bit about how it is…
Continue reading Interview with Maria José Bernal from Students for Liberty Colombia
Interview with Valentina Morales from Grupo Joven in Argentina
Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Can you tell me a little bit about how Grupo Joven Fundación Libertad operates, how you are structured and who the people that are active in the organization are?…
Continue reading Interview with Valentina Morales from Grupo Joven in Argentina
South Africa’s misguided COVID-19 pandemic response, as it charts fifth highest cases in the world….
South Africa, a country well-known for its transformative Constitution that contains the ‘Bill of Rights’, which protects the rights of the people inside the country and succinctly defines the role and limited powers of public institutions and office-bearers is now…
Cancel Culture in Economics?
In the rise of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests all over the globe, a great number of statues have been torn down or destroyed. From Edward Colston over Christopher Columbus to Winston Churchill, a wide range of historical figures have…
Putin: President for Life?
A controversial referendum was held in Russia from 25 June to 1 July 2020 that brings sweeping changes to the constitution, including an amendment that allows Vladimir Putin to run for two more presidential terms – which could keep him…
Democracy in Turkey – After all this time? Always…
Upon the municipal re-election of Istanbul, in which the main opposition candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu won a landslide victory following the cancellation of the first one, following absurd allegations over the legitimacy of the first election in Istanbul by Erdogan’s Justice…
Continue reading Democracy in Turkey – After all this time? Always…
Interview with Sebastián Crespo Postigo, President of Casa de la Juventud in Bolivia
Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Can you tell me a little about how Casa de la Juventud operates? How is it structured? What kind of people are active in it? And what kind of…
Corona Cancelled Exchange
“It’s not possible to return to the summer when you are 17. Celebrating graduation cannot be played on repeat.”, the Norwegian health minister said in a widely shared speech to our youth during corona, a speech in which he thanks…