South Africa’s misguided COVID-19 pandemic response, as it charts fifth highest cases in the world….

South Africa, a country well-known for its transformative Constitution that contains the ‘Bill of Rights’, which protects the rights of the people inside the country and succinctly defines the role and limited powers of public institutions and office-bearers is now…

The Road to Beijing

The world is watching on agog as China removes Hong Kong’s special status bit by bit, quashing any dissent as it does so. China is a superpower. It is one of the world’s foremost economic and military powers. It is also an expansionist power, with its influence being felt ever more keenly the world over. But how did Hong Kong get here? Why is Beijing behaving as it is? What, if anything, can the world do to help Hong Kong? The answers to these questions lie, not in Hong Kong, but in Beijing.

The Ten Most Liberal Countries in Asia

In our previous articles, we at Libel have presented top ten lists of different regions around the world, such as Africa and Latin America. Now it’s Asia’s turn. The biggest continent by both landmass and population is home to various…

Cancel Culture in Economics?

In the rise of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests all over the globe, a great number of statues have been torn down or destroyed. From Edward Colston over Christopher Columbus to Winston Churchill, a wide range of historical figures have…

Democracy in Turkey – After all this time? Always…

Upon the municipal re-election of Istanbul, in which the main opposition candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu won a landslide victory following the cancellation of the first one, following absurd allegations over the legitimacy of the first election in Istanbul by Erdogan’s Justice…

Interview with Sebastián Crespo Postigo, President of Casa de la Juventud in Bolivia

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Can you tell me a little about how Casa de la Juventud operates? How is it structured? What kind of people are active in it? And what kind of…

Learning about Civic Spaces — Online?!

Usually, Shrinking Civic Spaces seem like the perfect seminar topic to discuss on the ground — to visit said spaces and meet people in person. IFLRY was all set to do that, but then Covid-19 hit. The pandemic forced the…

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