Bonn: the final stage before the climate change conference in Paris – Tone Bjørndal

Report from the IFLRY Climate Change Programme #COP21, where the crucial negotiation of an international climate change agreement will take place, is set to take place in Paris, France this December. This conference is of critical importance: in order to…

“Democratic” reforms in Ukraine – a threat for the country? – Julia Rudenko

Before starting the discussion about the actual situation in Ukraine one has to become acquainted with the distinguishing features of the political system in Ukraine: Political parties do not have any specific ideologies. Nevertheless, they are not populist, in this case the…

A first experience of Ukraine – Arvid Plugge

“Why the hell are you going to Kharkiv, Ukraine?” that was generally the question I got when people asked me where I was going from the 1st of July till the 6th. Trying to explain my “questionable” destination did not…

Hobbes: Leviathan – The Problem

You can read an introductory post to Krijn’s series on liberal political philosophy here. In what Hobbes calls “the natural condition of mankind” (p. 86), people’s lives are be “solitary, poore, nasty, brutish and short.” (p. 89) Hobbes believes this,…

Here’s what you need to know about the Turkish elections – Ekin Can Genç

It’s been a week since the Turkish general elections. Unlike the previous elections or referenda of the past 12 years, this one was not a clear victory for AKP or the party’s de facto leader Erdogan. Turkish politics has so…

Climate Refugees: The Crisis that isn’t Recognised – Harriet Ainscough

Last year saw the largest number of refugees worldwide since the Second World War, and this year the numbers don’t look to be reducing. There’s an aspect to this crisis which isn’t accounted for within the UN Convention on the…

Patronising People: Why is Plain Packaging Plainly Wrong? – Charlie Kingsbury

More and more countries have begun contemplating whether or not to introduce plain packaging for products containing tobacco. Not only does such a policy fail to produce the outcomes governments intend, but it also fails to respect the intellect and…

What is the sense of fighting for gender equality focusing on the issues of one of the sexes? – Julia Rudenko

John Stuart Mill believed that until conditions of equality exist, no one can possibly assess the natural differences between women and men. Mill spoke about human rights in general with focus on voting rights for women. Mary Wollstonecraft encouraged women…

Of rights and referendums: Ireland votes – Junior Sikabwe

The same-sex referendum that took place in Ireland yesterday is very significant. This is not just because 84.16% of the population identifies as Roman Catholic. It’s not because of the matter either: seventeen countries (eleven of which are European) have…

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