The Morality of Secret Votes: Factionalism or Transparency?

Breaking party lines is a great way to step across the aisle and declare that your personal values matter more than what your party tells you to do. But, that sort of altruistic voting can cost you your job and…

Why, in US Politics, You Need to Pay Attention to the Rest of the Process

During campaigns, politicians, including presidential candidates, often make extravagant promises to woo voters to their side to win elections. Most politicians build their platforms and personal brands on a few emotional issues that are most likely to resonate with the…

IFLRY Online Meeting on South Africa

IFLRY Online is IFLRY’s new initiative to allow liberals from all over the world to interact with each other more online.  In that spirit, IFLRY Vice President Nickolas Pagonakis is organising regular online seminars, in which different people in the…

IFLRY Online Meeting on Venezuela

IFLRY Online is IFLRY’s new initiative to allow liberals from all over the world to interact with each other more online.  In that spirit, IFLRY Vice President Nickolas Pagonakis is organising regular online seminars, in which different people in the…

At Long Last… The Lebanese Prepare for Parliamentary Elections

Last October, the Lebanese parliament elected a new president ending a two-and-a-half-year power vacuum that had crippled the functioning of the government. Just over six months later, Lebanon was drifting into yet another political crisis that could leave the country…

The Lack of Young People’s Representation Is a Problem For Democracy

A prerequisite for democracy is the freedom of speech and expression. Even though this is widely acknowledged, we sometimes forget the whole picture. The representation of all groups in a society is not only important for the conversation climate and…

What the Lee Family Dispute Says About Singapore’s Politics

Singapore has been hit by political scandal. Yes, that clean, quiet, stable, protest-free city state; the one that’s supposedly good for business because there’s no political unrest and no independent trade unions. That Singapore. Yet, if you listened to the…

If You Were Catalan..?

While travelling abroad and attending international events, I’ve encountered a range of different views about the Catalan independence process. Many are well-informed and sympathetic, however a few compare Catalonia’s   with other struggles for independence – that may seem similar at…

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