Okada is a term that emanates from Nigeria. It refers to a motorbike. Lagos, which was once the capital of Nigeria, was so choked with traffic that it was only motor bikes that could move business persons within Lagos with…
Category: Democracy
What happened before the video? Since our last general elections in fall of 2017, Austria has had a government consisting of the conservative Austrian People’s party (ÖVP) and the right-wing nationalist Party (FPÖ). This government has been rather controversial. People…
The California Democratic Convention: 48 hours of Nonstop Action
Last weekend, I attended the California Democratic Convention; the annual gathering of activists, elected officials, and elected party officers and delegates, this year held in San Francisco. Among other things slated to happen was an election to replace the Party…
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Tiananmen Massacre: China’s huge blood stain that should never be erased from history
Thirty years ago, hundreds of thousands of students and workers shed their blood in one of the most gruesome massacres in history. Hundreds of thousands of deaths – deaths that became a symbol of a beginning. The beginning of China’s…
Interview with Nicola Beer, newly elected to the European Parliament
Nicola Beer is the EU election front runner of FDP (Free Democratic Party, 10.7% in national parliament), the ALDE & LI MO (member organization) in Germany with 65k members and partner of 3 different coalition constellations in state governments. The…
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Catalonia: a Small Country with Big Ambitions for Fighting Climate Change
This article is the part of a series by the IFLRY Climate Change Programme, looking at how different countries are implementing the Paris Agreement. An introduction to the series can be found here. The Mediterranean is one of the regions…
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Brexit Paralysis: What Happens Next?
Brexit is being consumed by its own clichés. Freedom of Movement must end! cries Theresa May. Yet the Brexit-Ultras are outraged that doing so is reciprocal. We want control of our own laws and money! cries Theresa May. Yet some…
The 10 Most Liberal Countries in Africa
While the popular perception about African nations may be that they are home to various warring ethnicities and communities that are deeply steeped in age-old customs, traditions and beliefs, things have been taking a turn for the liberal for quite…
Morocco: 20 Year Prison Sentence for Protest Leader
The court of Casablanca recently sentenced the leaders of the mass movement known as Rif Hakris to 20 years in prison. They were involved in protests which engulfed the Rif region of Morocco, and were found guilty of participating in…
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Long Odds: How Ocasio-Cortez Won the NY-14 Primary
“Even at long odds, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.” –Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez It is often said that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. Whether you dream of the bright Broadway lights, the booming…
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