Coronavirus Phobia: My Views As a Pakistani Medical Student, Studying in China

Since the public revelation of NCOVID19 in January 2020, there has been a steep rise in cases of phobia induced racism all around the world. While it’s normal for people to fear the unknown, what makes things worse is the…

Is the War in Afghanistan Finally Coming to a Close?

Afghanistan has been in conflict since 1978. In 1979 the Soviets invaded, to prop up the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. When they left ten years later, a lengthy and brutal civil war followed (or rather continued), in which different factions…

“Free Trade is Dead – Long Live Free Trade”

When Donald Trump became president of the United States of America in 2016, many feared that his straightforward and harshly announced policies might have a perceptible impact on the new world order – politically and economically. With him being a…

One Step Forward And Five Backward: A New Indonesian Penal Code

Since the finalization of Indonesia’s new criminal bill, headlines like “Indonesia: Draft Criminal Code Disastrous for Rights”, “Indonesia protests over sex before marriage bill”, and “Indonesian couple fear pre-marital sex ban will make them criminals” have been the center of…

The Morality of Chinese Foreign Direct Investments

The People’s Republic of China is the second largest single economy in the world. Not just its GDP is impressive, but also Chinese growth rates outnumber almost every other economy in the world. There are Chinese cities – most of…

Fifty Years of Pride: Why the Fight Continues

Prides occur all year long, however, June specifically is known as Pride Month due to the many Pride events taking place at this time of the year. Prides emerge and grow all over the world, and yet they are often…

8 Things You Might not Know about Refugees

There are over 68.5 million people around the world who have been forced to flee their homes – with 25.4 million of them being officially classified as refugees. Most have been displaced for years. Millions of refugees globally continue to…

Tiananmen Massacre: China’s huge blood stain that should never be erased from history

Thirty years ago, hundreds of thousands of students and workers shed their blood in one of the most gruesome massacres in history. Hundreds of thousands of deaths – deaths that became a symbol of a beginning. The beginning of China’s…

Why is the Pakistani government unable to curb extremism?

Pakistan holds a lot of importance in the international arena; the nukes, the huge military, the borders with volatile regions, all have a lot to do with the safety of the planet.  The conflict in Syria is undeniably one of…

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