Goodbye London! I can’t believe that my time in London has come to an end. To try to summarise the past five months in just one blog post seems like an impossible task, but I’ll try my best. My time…
Tag: featured
Brexit Day
Today, January 31st, 2020, is Brexit Day. As I am sitting here, behind my desk (which doubles as the kitchen table) in my flat in Whitechapel, East London, I cannot help but feel a bit bewildered: history is taking place…
My Approach to Getting Involved in a Political Party
I recently graduated and have since gotten more involved in politics, by becoming more involved with the Dutch social-liberal party D66. At party events I noticed that a lot of people would like to get more involved as well, but…
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Brexit Update: Post-Brexit Realities Begin to Bite
After years of debate, negotiations and impasse, Britain will leave the EU this Friday, the 31st January 2020. This will be the final Brupdate before Brexit Day. In Britain, a strange calm seems to have descended since December’s general election.…
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Freedom House Report 2019: Democracy in Retreat
Every year Freedom House carries out an assessment of political rights and civil liberties around the world. Its latest report suggests that a ’13-year decline’ can be observed in global freedom. See below for some of the most important developments.…
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Ida’s Blog #8: From Belfast to Beirut
It feels like ages since my last blog post! It’s my last month in London (how crazy is that?!), and a lot of things are happening. At the moment I’m in Belfast with my colleagues from Liberal International. We have…
How Housing-First Strategies Aid In Preventing Homelessness
Few can deny that homelessness has become a major societal problem across the U.S., and better solutions are needed to address the issue. While there are a myriad of situations that can ultimately lead to homelessness, rising rent prices are…
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Direct democratic opportunities for Europe
As a Swiss Citizens, the European Union may look like a big intransparent political machine that decides from Brussel what European Citizens have to do and how strong a vacuum cleaner has to be. The different European institutions, such as…
Laura’s Blog #13: Saying Goodbye
Meet Laura Fagerlund. Laura is a Vice President of IFLRY and a Council member of the Swedish Youth of Finland. She is currently living in South Africa, where she is doing an internship with the main opposition party, the Democratic…
Science and Society
We like to think that in a liberal democracy, decisions should be based on well-informed arguments and debate results, not on someone’s popularity, status or gut feelings. To enforce this ideal, and for some practical reasons as well, people ‘invented’…