The Problem with Pandemic Bonds

In 2017, the World Bank launched “Pandemic Bonds”, specialized bonds to provide financial support to the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF). The creation of the PEF was announced by the World Bank in May 2016 at the meeting of G7…

The discrimination of Roma – Europe’s biggest minority in the shadow

Romani people such as Roma,Sinti, Iberian Kale, Welsh Kale and many others are the biggest minority in Europe- and probably the most forgotten. Approximately 10- 12 million Romani are living Europe, though the number of population can only be estimated…

On Brussels: A Tricky Response to Another Crisis

On 31 January 2020, the UK left the EU – bringing the tumultuous three-and-a-half year process to an end. As the EU prepared to begin negotiating a new UK-EU trade deal, it was also hoping for a period of recalibration.…

Coronavirus Phobia: My Views As a Pakistani Medical Student, Studying in China

Since the public revelation of NCOVID19 in January 2020, there has been a steep rise in cases of phobia induced racism all around the world. While it’s normal for people to fear the unknown, what makes things worse is the…

Is the War in Afghanistan Finally Coming to a Close?

Afghanistan has been in conflict since 1978. In 1979 the Soviets invaded, to prop up the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. When they left ten years later, a lengthy and brutal civil war followed (or rather continued), in which different factions…

Climate Alphabet

IFRLY’s Climate Change Programme recently concluded their online-project #ClimateAlphabet. Here, you can find the full (text) compilation, with explanations for key climate concepts from A to Z and reflections on the challenges each component plays presents to the overall issue: Atmosphere…

Homelessness Prevention in Europe

According to the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, access to adequate housing and shelter is a fundamental human right. Despite the U.N.’s declaration, however, stable housing is an elusive concept for a growing number of global…

Likud wins elctions – Third Israeli standoff in one year

On the 2nd of March Israel held parliamentary elections for the third time in one year. Between the outbreak of Coronavirus, the Middle East conflict and the indictment of Netanyahu the national elections almost fell into oblivion. Though, unexpectedly, the…

Representing IFLRY at the Council of Europe

Besides the European Union, there is another, less well-known regional international organisation called the Council of Europe (CoE). Its stated aim is to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. The organisation has a narrower focus…

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