This article is the second in a series by the IFLRY Climate Change Programme, looking at how different countries are implementing the Paris Agreement. An introduction to the series can be found here. The Federal Republic of Germany is a parliamentary republic located…
Tag: climate change
2018: An Important Year for Climate Change and for IFLRY’s Climate Change Programme
Flooding in Japan, heatwaves in Canada and wildfires in Europe: 2018 couldn’t be a more important year for climate action. With this summer’s flooding in Japan, deadly heatwaves in Canada, and record-setting wildfires raging across Europe, California and Canada’s west…
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LIEC 2018 Berlin – Fringe IFLRY CCP
Liberal International organised its 200th Executive Committee in Berlin on June 22nd – 24th. The theme of the event was “Delivering Climate Justice: Liberal Responses to the Paris Agreement”. The IFLRY Climate Change Programme members are deeply grateful for the…
The Dutch Climate Law: a Broad Agreement Pointing in the Right Direction
Wednesday the 27th of June 2018 was a historical day for the (political) climate in The Netherlands. On this day, seven political parties presented their proposal for a “Climate Law.” If it is passed, it will make the Netherlands the…
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Why Global Public Health Funding Is in Crisis
Public health funding in is slowly on the decline and we are seeing the terrible results in every sector of public health. From STDs on the rise to a bloom of infectious diseases, it is of the paramount importance that…
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The intercessional climate talks (SB48): How to operationalize the Paris Agreement?
2018 is one of the most critical years for environmental policy since the historic Paris Agreement was struck in 2015. World leaders have adopted and signed the Paris Agreement but now the hard work of implementing is just getting started.…
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Climate Change Denialism – A Destructive Ideology for Our Planet
I am usually quite optimistic about the future and the development of sustainable solutions. In my view, there is no doubt climate change is problematic, and I often believe others are of the same opinion. However, it really shocks me…
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Interview with Canadian Ambassador at COP23
By Perla Hernández, Simon Kran Christensen and Jonas Lembeck During the 23rd UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP23), the a delegation of the IFLRY Climate Change Programme met with Stéphane Dion, former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Justin…
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IFLRY @ COP23: It’s all about Oceans
Oceans play a crucial role in the regulation of the earth’s climate. That is why Melvin John & Ina Djuren, who attended the first week of COP23 on behalf of IFLRY, used the conference to get deeper insights into the…
IFLRY Online Meeting on IFLRY in the 80s
IFLRY Online is IFLRY’s new initiative to allow liberals from all over the world to interact with each other more online. In that spirit, IFLRY organises regular online seminars, in which different people in the IFLRY network explain more about…