Mengapa Kudu Memilih Situs Slot Online Terpercaya? Berikut Alasan Kuatnya Saat ini penuh sekali sebuah web yang tersebar dan menarik hati para pecinta permainsn betting slot. Tetapi daripada banyaknya masyarakat yang tertarik tersebut, di dalamnya juga terdapat seseorang yang masih…
How Sponsoring Could Help to Bridge the Gender Gap in the U.S. STEM Sector – Danika Kimball
Women comprise roughly half of the U.S. workforce, but a mere 25 percent of women pursue careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This is troubling, especially when you consider that job positions in STEM fields…
Azerbaijan’s Constitutional Referendum: Aliyev Consolidates His Power – Asif Orujlu
Three days ago, on Monday the 26th of September, Azerbaijan held a national referendum on a number of constitutional amendments. On Tuesday, the Central Election Commission claimed, that all had received the support of voters by a wide margin. The constitutional changes at…
Continue reading Azerbaijan’s Constitutional Referendum: Aliyev Consolidates His Power – Asif Orujlu
‘The desire to alter the image of sex work is lacking’ – Interview with Astrid Zwinkels
Meet Astrid Zwinkels, a 25-year-old Jonge Democraten member, who tries to influence Dutch policy on Prostitution. Not only is her academic career dedicated to this subject, she is also involved in JD’s working group Diversity & Participation. Apart from that…
Impressions From the “Decision Making” Training in Kyiv: Part 2 – Serhii Bozhenko
I will start by introducing myself: my name is Serhii Bozhenko, I study political science and take an active part in social and political life. From childhood I have been talking about politics, and I always get disappointment when people…
Continue reading Impressions From the “Decision Making” Training in Kyiv: Part 2 – Serhii Bozhenko
Climate Change: How Anj’s life changed due to Typhoon Haiyan – Andrew Johnson
The Liberal Government in Canada has been praised for its policy on Syrian Refugees this past year. Canada is known as a country that is accepting of new migrants; a policy of acceptance that is woven into the fabric of the…
Continue reading Climate Change: How Anj’s life changed due to Typhoon Haiyan – Andrew Johnson
U.S. Politicians and the Value of the Liberal Arts – Danika Kimball
Liberal Arts education has come under fire in recent years, as America’s higher education crisis and the ever increasing cost of education has led students, parents, and policy creators to more critically analyze a students’ ROI when earning a degree.…
Continue reading U.S. Politicians and the Value of the Liberal Arts – Danika Kimball
Yes, Venezuela is dying… – Pedro Urruchurtu
— Véase más abajo para la versión española de este artículo. — The title of this article refers to the cover of the August-22nd edition of Time magazine entitled “Venezuela is dying”. The edition tries to explain how Venezuela, once Latin…
Continue reading Yes, Venezuela is dying… – Pedro Urruchurtu
Burkini: The “Conseil d’Etat” puts a stop to the gallop – Jeunes Radicaux de Gauche
Playtime is over. The Conceil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative court, ruled against the “anti-burkini” bylaw of the municipality of Villeneuve-Loubet (French Riviera). In France, the end of the summer was given rhythm by a sad debate. This was an embarrassment…
Continue reading Burkini: The “Conseil d’Etat” puts a stop to the gallop – Jeunes Radicaux de Gauche
Impressions From the “Decision Making” Training in Kyiv: part 1 – Andriy Miheev
From the 7 to the 10th July 2016 the IFLRY Belarus and Ukraine Programme organized a seminar “Youth in the Heart of Decision Making”. I was one of the participants of this great event and here I want to share…
Continue reading Impressions From the “Decision Making” Training in Kyiv: part 1 – Andriy Miheev