Globalization is the reason the coronavirus spread so rapidly around the globe. But can it also be its solution? In the spring of 2020, the world is as small as it has never been before. It is extraordinarily easy for…
Category: Topics
Sweden: a Unique Approach to COVID-19 – or a Country in Denial?
Sweden is the Nordic country worst-hit by the COVID-19 virus. As of 14 April, Sweden has 10,948 confirmed cases, which have resulted in 919 deaths. Sweden’s neighbours – particularly Denmark – have repeatedly accused the Swedish government – led by…
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Interview with Jonge Democraten
Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. The Jonge Democraten (Young Democrats) are a Dutch progressive-liberal youth organisation, founded in 1984. The organisation is affiliated with the political party D66. For this interview I spoke to…
The Ocean Cleanup
During the past weeks, IFLRY’s Climate Change Programme has been focused on highlighting different approaches that could help combat climate change. When it comes to the environment, however, another problem that needs to be addressed is pollution, more specifically plastic…
The COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa
The COVID-19 pandemic has reached Africa and the UN warns of its consequences: “We will see a complete collapse of economies and livelihoods. Livelihoods will be wiped out in a way we have never seen before.” Many countries in Africa…
The Problem with Pandemic Bonds
In 2017, the World Bank launched “Pandemic Bonds”, specialized bonds to provide financial support to the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF). The creation of the PEF was announced by the World Bank in May 2016 at the meeting of G7…
The discrimination of Roma – Europe’s biggest minority in the shadow
Romani people such as Roma,Sinti, Iberian Kale, Welsh Kale and many others are the biggest minority in Europe- and probably the most forgotten. Approximately 10- 12 million Romani are living Europe, though the number of population can only be estimated…
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On Brussels: A Tricky Response to Another Crisis
On 31 January 2020, the UK left the EU – bringing the tumultuous three-and-a-half year process to an end. As the EU prepared to begin negotiating a new UK-EU trade deal, it was also hoping for a period of recalibration.…
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What to Do when in Quarantine?
As the Corona virus closes in and every country on the planet, with just a few exceptions, have reported contagions, we are either self-quarantined or ordered to quarantine. Many businesses and public services have been reduced to the minimum or…
Coronavirus Phobia: My Views As a Pakistani Medical Student, Studying in China
Since the public revelation of NCOVID19 in January 2020, there has been a steep rise in cases of phobia induced racism all around the world. While it’s normal for people to fear the unknown, what makes things worse is the…
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