Climate Change: Staying below 1.5 ºC, why it’s important for Canada?

Climate change is a hot topic. In the aftermath of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, cities and states have vowed to step up.  It is also time for other nations to step up on climate commitments. Earth’s average…

My Time at IFLRY’s General Assembly in Thessaloniki

Last March I became a member of  JOVD, a classical liberal youth organization from the Netherlands. When I came into contact with someone from the JOVD bureau, I told them that I am interested in international politics. This person suggested…

IFLRY’s Andrea Ugrinoska Elected to the Council of Europe Youth Advisory Council

Europe has a lot of networks and organizations that are affiliated with young people. From the scouts to national youth councils to international organizations based on a political ideology – such as IFLRY. Together, we are all united through a…

IFLRY at UN Climate Conference in Bonn

Over the past two weeks, the international policy, scientific and NGO community came together at the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany, and participated in the SB46 (Subsidiary Body 46) of the UNFCCC. A delegation of IFLRY had the privilege…

The Truth Behind Globalism and Why Americans Fear It

America is a wonderful country, built on the idea of individual freedom and a collective spirit of achievement. But sometimes it just sucks. We love our country — it’s the best country in the world — but the idea of…

How Ukrainians Today Are Developing a Democratic Mindset

Ukraine, the largest country in Europe, gained its independency from the USSR in 1991. It is undebatable that the country is still going through a difficult transition period from a Soviet republic to independent and powerful state, following significant changes…

‘Young Mediterranean Voices Plus’: Leaders for Today, Not Just the Future

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the European Commission Ms Federica Mogherini invited 35 young people from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa for a…

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