Bulgarian Politics: Banning Burqas and Restricting Voting Rights – Gyulfie Arnaudova

Виж по-долу за българската версия на тази статия. / See below for the Bulgarian version of this article. This article will look at the debate on banning the burqa in Bulgaria from a Muslim viewpoint, trying to explain the core…

Can a Small Country Make a Difference? – Peter Riseng

Climate change is a global problem. Norway is a rather small country. Why should we care? It is easy to say that a country like Norway, with barely the population of a Chinese city, cannot make a difference on big…

The Refugee Crisis: It Is All about Perspective – Camilla Westvik

The Syrian refugee crisis is the largest humanitarian disaster since WW2. 13.5 million people need humanitarian assistance within Syria. 4.6 million refugees are on the run from ISIS and the authoritarian regime of Syria. 6.6 million people are currently displaced within…

German Youth: Desiring Harmony, or Simply Boring? – Laura Schieritz

What do young people think and feel? Not only worried parents wonder about that, society does so too. Because of this, the SINUS-institute Germany tries to answer this question every four years. After they published this year’s results, there was…

Introducing the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine – Arthur Kharythonov

The Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine (LDLU) is a Ukrainian non-governmental and non-profitable organization that aims to consolidate a new generation of representatives of the Ukrainian people. Its headquarters are situated in Kyiv. We sincerely believe that a healthy civil…

Get up, Stand up Europe, Stand up for Union – Jeunes Radicaux de Gauche

Voir ci-dessous pour la version française de cet article. – See below for the French version of this article. We, the children of the European Union, founded in a desire for peace. We, the youth of the Erasmus generation, unhindered…

Hello from the Outside – Lars Brandsås

David Cameron warned the citizens of Great Britain of following in the footsteps of Norway in the question of a continued membership in the European Union, and the Prime Minister could not have been more right. Today we are witnessing…

Results of the Forum “Free Ukraine – Strong Europe” – Anna Rogovchenko

Ukrainian aspirations towards European values and Western standards of living have been followed by difficult challenges and fundamental changes. After the EuroMaidan uprising in 2013-2014 Ukraine has faced the annexation of the Crimea and military conflict in the Donbas, deep…

American Prisons and the Mental Healthcare Crisis – Danika Kimball

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 (colloquially referred to as Obamacare) made mental and behavioral health treatment one of ten essential benefits required in new insurance policies sold on the federal health exchange. Despite this expanded coverage,…

Istanbul GA Keynote Speech: Short-Termist Populism Can’t Solve Our Problems – Ivo Thijssen

It a pleasure to address you on behalf of Dutch liberal democratic party D66. Today I was asked to share some thoughts with you regarding the recent Dutch no vote on the EU-Ukraine Association Treaty, the refugee crisis and finally…

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