Climate Change: How Anj’s life changed due to Typhoon Haiyan – Andrew Johnson

The Liberal Government in Canada has been praised for its policy on Syrian Refugees this past year. Canada is known as a country that is accepting of new migrants; a policy of acceptance that is woven into the fabric of the…

Yes, Venezuela is dying… – Pedro Urruchurtu

— Véase más abajo para la versión española de este artículo. — The title of this article refers to the cover of the August-22nd edition of Time magazine entitled “Venezuela is dying”. The edition tries to explain how Venezuela, once Latin…

Burkini: The “Conseil d’Etat” puts a stop to the gallop – Jeunes Radicaux de Gauche

Playtime is over.  The Conceil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative court, ruled against the “anti-burkini” bylaw of the municipality of Villeneuve-Loubet (French Riviera). In France, the end of the summer was given rhythm by a sad debate. This was an embarrassment…

Impressions From the “Decision Making” Training in Kyiv: part 1 – Andriy Miheev

From the 7 to the 10th July 2016 the IFLRY Belarus and Ukraine Programme organized a seminar “Youth in the Heart of Decision Making”. I was one of the participants of this great event and here I want to share…

Let the Right Lesson be Learnt from Sweden – Simon Härnqvist

Sweden has in just over six months moved from taking in the highest number of refugees per capita to practically closing its borders. This turn was not unexpected to many international commenters, claiming that this was the inevitable result of…

Refugees in Germany: the Asylum Process – Nathalia Schomerus

Much has been thought, said and written recently about Germany’s asylum practice. Weekly or even daily, it seems, there are new facts and figures, proposals and demonstrations on whether to open or close borders, on humanitarian commitment and welcoming culture.…

Bonn Climate Change Conference: Implementing the Paris Agreement – Justin Kaiser

On the 12th of December, 196 Parties adopted the Paris Agreement: the first major international agreement on the issue of climate change since the 1992 Kyoto Protocol. On Earth Day, the 22nd of April, over 170 Parties signed the agreement.…

IFLRY President’s Update from Myanmar – Pauline Kastermans

Last week I started writing this blog in the beautiful North Shan State in Myanmar, where I gave a one-week training on internal party organisation and campaigning to a group of twenty senior politicians. This is part of the curriculum…

A Surge of Liberals in Tbilisi – Sandro Sarukhanishvili

იხილეთ ქვემოთ სტატიის ქართული ვერსია / see below for the Georgian version of this article. Last week was one of the best ones I can remember; liberals from all over the world gathered in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. On…

Can a Small Country Make a Difference? – Peter Riseng

Climate change is a global problem. Norway is a rather small country. Why should we care? It is easy to say that a country like Norway, with barely the population of a Chinese city, cannot make a difference on big…

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