Interview with Katalin Cseh, One of the Founders of Momentum Movement

Meet Katalin Cseh, a young liberal from Hungary, who is fighting to represent youth both at the national and European level. In 2015, Katalin co-founded the pro-European and liberal Movement Momentum with eight other young Hungarians. Currently, she is a…

The Hungarian Opposition Celebrates: ‘We Have Taken back Budapest’

Local elections were held all across Hungary last Sunday, voters were electing mayors and assembly members for 5 years. The Budapest mayor election was particularly significant for Hungary’s opposition, which scored an incredible victory against the ruling party (Fidesz) incumbent,…

Brexit Update: We’re Heading for No Deal

Sound the Brexit klaxon! I’ve now come to the conclusion that I’ve been overly optimistic in these updates! Within the last fortnight, I’ve concluded that the UK is probably going to drop out of the EU without a deal. It’ll…

Interview with Geir Finnsson, One of the Founders of ‘Viðreisn’

Meet Geir Finnsson, a 27-year-old young liberal from Iceland, who, despite the young age, has already played a crucial role in shaping liberalism in his country. Not only was he among the founders of the Icelandic liberal party ‘Viðreisn’, but…

Ghana Needs Only 200 MPs – Drop That Chamber

Ghana’s Parliament has formally decided not to proceed with a proposed $200 million New Chamber construction. This happened after the revelation of the plan to construct a new chamber was met with wide public opposition. The hashtag #Dropthatchamber trended in…

Ukrainian Elections 2019: The Era of “New Faces”

Politics and elections probably concern up to every third talk in Ukraine at the moment. This is not surprising: elections occur every three months this year, channels broadcast political news every single day, political advertisement seems to be encoded into…

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