It was not too long ago that the limelight was shone on private military and security contractor scandals in the Middle East and Africa. Since then one could argue that there has been a cultural shift in how they are…
Tag: featured
Copyright Should Favour Creators – not Capital
Copyright laws have always struck me as a very good example of how Liberal ideas have been taken too far, subverting the rights and freedoms that they were initially supposed to confer. The first copyright law was the Statute of…
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Let’s Not Forget All That We Have Gained from Free Trade
Our nation’s wealth exists mostly because of globalisation and free trade. And yet, more and more often, globalisation is seen as something bad. For the most part however, these opinions are not based on facts but on rhetoric expressed by…
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Understanding the Ukrainian Brain Drain
Since the Revolution of Dignity, the representatives of Ukrainian youth have attracted a lot of attention worldwide. They are bold, smart and ambitious, but unfortunately, they often live abroad. They can be prominent engineers, hardworking farmers, fair lawyers – literally…
Campaign for Visa Free Travel between Russia and Europe
For me, the more insane the idea – the more interesting it is to implement it. Today we have launched another rather insane project, which we have long dreamed of, thought about and will do our best now to make…
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U.S. Millennials Struggle to Save for Retirement
Most millennials in the United States are not on track when it comes to their retirement savings. In fact, research from the National Institute on Retirement Security indicates that 66 percent of millennials have nothing saved for retirement at all.…
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2018: An Important Year for Climate Change and for IFLRY’s Climate Change Programme
Flooding in Japan, heatwaves in Canada and wildfires in Europe: 2018 couldn’t be a more important year for climate action. With this summer’s flooding in Japan, deadly heatwaves in Canada, and record-setting wildfires raging across Europe, California and Canada’s west…
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Let Free Trade Be Free
Free Trade, Trade War, Tariffs, World Trade, Poverty, Job Cuts, Protecting Jobs. These are words and phrases that have dominated world news in the past few months, undoubtedly as a result of what has been termed the Trump effect. Many…
Will “Mnangagwanism” replace “Mugabetarianism’’?
The 37 year old Baobab government, led by the Marxist-Leninist Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), was cut off last year in a deal to allow for a transition of power to Mugabe’s long-time ally, Emmerson Mnangagwa. The…
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National Liberals – An Iranian case study
Humans die, but ideas remain alive and spread all over the world. In order to know a country, one has to learn about what idea it has of itself: the culture, history, literature and its national heroes. This knowledge will…