An Analysis of the Different Forms of Abuse of Power in the UK

Since the emergence of COVID, and the coincidental normalisation of ‘working from home’ within the UK, we seem to have seen more and more forms of corruption and deceit in our politics. Whether this be because the rate of it…

Reunification: A Discussion with United Rural Democrats President Joe Sheperd

In a time of American history where division seems to be sowed between every friend and neighbor, the need for compromise and unification is urgent and dire. While seeking for inspiration to discuss the divides in America, as well as…

Liberal September: How Did Liberals Do in this Month’s Elections?

September saw many interesting elections around the world. In many places our liberal brethren made substantial gains or at least managed to shield themselves from losing seats. I’ll go through some of the global elections and give a fairly overall…

Serhii Sternenko: the Liberal Journey of a Ukrainian Joshua Wong

Kyiv (Ukraine). It was a typical sultry summer day when Serhii (born 1995) entered the Kyiv headquarters of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. Around 42 days had passed since his release from illegal detention in the city of Odesa.…

¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de populismo?

for English, see below previamente publicado aquí UN PEQUEÑO ANÁLISIS DEL POPULISMO Si les digo que no piensen en un elefante rosa, ¿qué es lo primero que se les viene a la cabeza? Posiblemente sea ese animal en un color…

A Bad Time to be a Liberal in Turkey!

The authoritarian regime of Erdogan has begun to increase its oppression of LGBTQ+ members and university students, reaching a level that carrying the LGBTQ+ flags are now deemed to be a  criminal offense by law enforcement. The appointment of a…

Have Racial Hate Crimes in the UK Increased in Numbers, or is it Just our Awareness Being Heightened?

Anyone studying, or who has recently graduated, in the UK will know of the recent crime against a ‘beloved[1]’ professor of financial management in Southampton. Peng Wang was out jogging at around 4pm, when four White younger men drove up…

The EU’s Response to Hungary’s Democratic Backsliding

Hungary has undergone a significant transformation in the last decade, one that is often described as a democratic, or rule of law, backsliding. The roots of this negative development can be traced back to the landslide victory of Viktor Orbán’s…

I am over-constrained and cannot (fairly) vote!

Let’s pretend that you think our voting system sucks. You think plurality-rule, first-past-the-post, winner-takes-all elections lead to dirty tactics and partisanship. You hate when candidates whom a majority voted against wins the race anyways. (Seems impossible? Imagine a candidate wins…

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