Interview with Koen Stoop from the World Uyghur Congress – Part 1

Two articles brought my attention to what is happening in the Chinese province of East Turkistan (widely referred to as Xinjiang) in the past few months, although it is not an entirely new issue. The first was published in The…

Interview with Willemijn Krans, International Officer of JOVD

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Back in March, the Netherlands elected a new Tweede Kamer — the lower house of the Dutch parliament. Soon after, Libel editors Eduardo Aviles and Krijn van Eeden interviewed…

A House Divided: American Politics Feels the Weight of the Two-Party System

The politics of the United States of America are somewhat different compared to other liberal democracies across the world. It is often difficult to summarize the catalysts, events, and ideologies that have shaped the American democratic system. A constant in…

Reconsidering our Attitude towards Israel: A liberal Ally at Heart despite Valid Criticism?

The recent flare up of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict last May has drawn global attention to the Middle East once again, leading to very mixed and divided international reactions. It appears as if any questions concerning the legitimacy of Israel inherently…

Ecuador: an Oasis of Liberty in the Latin American Desert

Ecuador is a unique case in the region, finally breathing after 14 years of radical socialism. While Ecuador elected a liberal president (economically speaking) this year, the rest of the continent seems fully immersed in socialist regimes, or “21st Century…

Finland: Same Old Municipal Election, New Conversation Culture

I might have babbled about the Finnish local election in some of my previous posts and lucky for everyone involved, it’s now over. So, what new conversation culture am I talking about? Some would argue that I should have had…

¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de populismo?

for English, see below previamente publicado aquí UN PEQUEÑO ANÁLISIS DEL POPULISMO Si les digo que no piensen en un elefante rosa, ¿qué es lo primero que se les viene a la cabeza? Posiblemente sea ese animal en un color…

China and a Renewed Transatlantic Alliance

The European Union is, as so often, attempting a difficult balancing act, oscillating between economic interests and a value-based foreign policy. Shortly after the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) was announced to be concluded in principle, it already seems…

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