La Vía Hacia la Miseria: una Mirada a través de las Protestas en Cuba

for English, see below Últimamente el país cubano ha salido a la calle en forma de protesta por la situación económica y social tan difícil que están pasando. Este artículo tiene los objetivos de explicar las razones de las protestas,…

Steps Towards the End of the War on Drugs

por Español, ve abajo Colombia is the world’s largest producer of cocaine, with a share of approximately 69% and as statistics show, cocaine consumption, like most drugs in the world, only increases with each passing year (UNO, 2018). Therefore, in…

Omar’s Blog #6: Occupied with corruption — Palestine, an exceptional case

Last time I wrote on how only accountability will save the Middle East Peace Process. I pointed out that both sides need to take responsibility for their actions. Also, I am sure that pressuring both sides to negotiate would bring…

COVID-19: Can Fiscal Support Exacerbate Economic Inequality?

The political left is usually the quickest when it comes to claiming the moral high ground. Since the beginning of the corona crisis, it is where you can find fervent supporters of fiscal packages aimed at saving entire industries from…

Lebanon’s Centennial: Freewheeling Downhill

One month before the centennial of the founding of the country, the Beirut explosion serves as a grim reminder of the dark state of Lebanon. The country seems to relive similar scenarios from the past, where sectarianism and warlord politicians…

Fleeing from Chaos to Another Chaos

Lebanon became the center of international attention when a warehouse full of fertiliser exploded in Beirut and killed 200 people. We at Libel have written about the accident itself and the political upheaval that has taken place in Lebanon before,…

The Ten Most Liberal Countries in Asia

In our previous articles, we at Libel have presented top ten lists of different regions around the world, such as Africa and Latin America. Now it’s Asia’s turn. The biggest continent by both landmass and population is home to various…

The EU’s Response to Hungary’s Democratic Backsliding

Hungary has undergone a significant transformation in the last decade, one that is often described as a democratic, or rule of law, backsliding. The roots of this negative development can be traced back to the landslide victory of Viktor Orbán’s…

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