Omar’s Blog #4: International Trade after the US Elections

Yesterday, it became clear that Joe Biden has won the US Elections. It is a close call and therefore the steps ahead will be challenging for his administration, especially after Trump’s unusual way of doing diplomacy worldwide. But after being…

Interview with Sam Hudis of the Young Democrats of America — Part 1: The Elections

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. On the 6th of October, I interviewed Sam Hudis, the International Officer of the Young Democrats of America (YDA). It ended up being a long discussion, which is why…

I Voted – But What about That Other Guy, and So What?

Considering my situation in Finland, it’s easy to forget what kind of a fundamental right voting, making your voice heard in society, is. When an election closes in, I automatically get a letter detailing all I need to know: no…

As America’s Unemployment Rate Surges, the Pandemic Proves We Need Medicare for All

In just a month, unemployment went from 4.4% in March of 2020 to 14.7% in April as the coronavirus prompted shutdowns and mass layoffs. This left millions of Americans without jobs — and, in many cases, without the medical insurance…

Interview with Maria José Bernal from Students for Liberty Colombia

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. We have been doing most of our previous interviews with national organizations, but Students for Liberty is an international organization. Could you talk a bit about how it is…

Interview with Valentina Morales from Grupo Joven in Argentina

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Can you tell me a little bit about how Grupo Joven Fundación Libertad operates, how you are structured and who the people that are active in the organization are?…

Cancel Culture in Economics?

In the rise of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests all over the globe, a great number of statues have been torn down or destroyed. From Edward Colston over Christopher Columbus to Winston Churchill, a wide range of historical figures have…

Interview with Sebastián Crespo Postigo, President of Casa de la Juventud in Bolivia

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Can you tell me a little about how Casa de la Juventud operates? How is it structured? What kind of people are active in it? And what kind of…

What our Colonial Past Teaches us about Privilege

This article is probably one of the most challenging ones I have ever written. The killing of George Floyd at the end of May made me speechless. Seeing pictures of a man, desperately begging for help, fighting for his life,…

Behind Black Lives Matter Sits the Ghosts of Apartheid

More than sixty years ago, the Selma Race Riots in Alabama shone a spotlight on appalling racial inequality across the US and in other Western countries. It is a damning indictment of our times that, more than six decades later,…

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