Climate Refugees: The Crisis that isn’t Recognised – Harriet Ainscough

Last year saw the largest number of refugees worldwide since the Second World War, and this year the numbers don’t look to be reducing. There’s an aspect to this crisis which isn’t accounted for within the UN Convention on the…

Patronising People: Why is Plain Packaging Plainly Wrong? – Charlie Kingsbury

More and more countries have begun contemplating whether or not to introduce plain packaging for products containing tobacco. Not only does such a policy fail to produce the outcomes governments intend, but it also fails to respect the intellect and…

Of rights and referendums: Ireland votes – Junior Sikabwe

The same-sex referendum that took place in Ireland yesterday is very significant. This is not just because 84.16% of the population identifies as Roman Catholic. It’s not because of the matter either: seventeen countries (eleven of which are European) have…

Explaining the #LibDemFightback to our international friends – By Bobby Dean

Let’s start things off with a cliché: a week is a long time in politics *is sick all over self *. But really it is. I mean about a week ago us British liberals were all waiting around for something…

Optimism for a Liberal Future in Africa: Reactions from the Best Practice Study Exchange – Katy Starbuck

The cab ride was marked by a sense of excitement and a concerted effort in trying to remember each other’s names. It was Mellaquez’ first time in Cape Town, and her eyes filled with delight as she peered through the…

The War Against Terror is a Bigger Threat than Terrorism Itself – Eirik Natlandsmyr

The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center was an attack on a symbol of freedom and cooperation. Just a few days after the attack, the Security Council on behalf of the United Nations pushed through new terror legislation…

International Drug Ban Fuels Terrorist Groups – Anniken Karlyme Wullum

The political debate on prohibition against drugs has changed more, and faster, than most people could have anticipated. Tolerating others’ use of substances you would never even touch is liberal in its essence. Every human has the right to decide…

Making Mandela’s Rainbow Nation A Reality (Part Two) – Bobby Dean

In Part One IFLRY Vice President Bobby Dean recounted his time with young politicians in Cape Town, South Africa. In this part two, he has travelled across the country to the poorer rural communities to witness the work of Restless Development’s…

Making Mandela’s Rainbow Nation A Reality – Bobby Dean

It’s Sunday night and I’m settling in to sleep in a familiar place – a plane seat. I don’t have ‘wanderlust’ – whatever that discomforting hipsterised term means – but my involvement in international issues has put me on a…

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