Interview with Willemijn Krans, International Officer of JOVD

Find our other interviews with liberal and democratic youth organisations here. Back in March, the Netherlands elected a new Tweede Kamer — the lower house of the Dutch parliament. Soon after, Libel editors Eduardo Aviles and Krijn van Eeden interviewed…

¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de populismo?

for English, see below previamente publicado aquí UN PEQUEÑO ANÁLISIS DEL POPULISMO Si les digo que no piensen en un elefante rosa, ¿qué es lo primero que se les viene a la cabeza? Posiblemente sea ese animal en un color…

Corporate Social Responsibility Trend

“Businesses cannot be successful when the society around them fails” -Responsible Business Summit. This quote illustrates the evolution of businesses – from for-profit entities to organizations with meaningful connections. The definition of a self-regulating business model that helps a company…

Why Period Poverty is a Serious Human Rights Issue

Period poverty is a serious human rights concern. It refers to the lack of access to sanitary products, menstrual hygiene education, toilets and washing facilities, and, or, waste management. In combination with a cultural shame and stigmatization attached to menstruation,…

Have Racial Hate Crimes in the UK Increased in Numbers, or is it Just our Awareness Being Heightened?

Anyone studying, or who has recently graduated, in the UK will know of the recent crime against a ‘beloved[1]’ professor of financial management in Southampton. Peng Wang was out jogging at around 4pm, when four White younger men drove up…

Unfair Vaccine Distribution and the Rising Threat of Escape Mutations

For many, the arrival of 2021 meant hope: COVID-19 vaccines were finally a reality. People assumed that societies could go back to normal. But the new year brought with it new challenges. As we know, the world did not respond…

How to successfully handle a pandemic: countries that have done (relatively) well

Often, when discussing the topic of which country has had, and has implemented, the best solution for containing the coronavirus, it is left out that each country is different. Although this seems obvious, I don’t think it is discussed enough.…

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