Education on emancipation: a necessity or a key to peripheral escape

Depending on the individual rights and judiciary laid out to the youth through educational institutions, one can draw an array of conclusions about how the idea of child rights, liberalism and self awareness is planted amongst the minds of people…

Creating a Dystopia – Eliminating the Freedom of speech in Cuba

Reporters without Borders ranks Cuba as the 8th worst country in the world regarding freedom of press in 2023. Since 1959, Cuba has been under an authoritarian regime by the “Communist Party of Cuba”. That is, opposition parties are not…

Allies Not Adversaries – Advocacy For Women’s Empowerment, The Role Of Men

 There has been a long talk about women’s leadership, gender equality, women’s empowerment, etc. Are we hitting the stones on the right nail? In a world that thrives on diversity, in the pursuit of gender equality and empowerment, it is…

Female Leadership Academy Bangkok 2022

Female Leadership Academy Bangkok 2022 IFLRY organized various academies on female leadership with the purpose of developing leadership abilities in females. This time the Female Leadership Academy (FLA) was organized in Bangkok, Thailand from October 27 – 30, 2022. This…

The Dilemma of Artificial Intelligence and It’s Quest to Get Rid of Artificiality

With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.– Elon Musk One of…

الديكتاتورية العقائدية… ضرب لليبرالية النظام اللبناني  – كمال دمج

لَعِبتْ تعددية المجتمع اللبناني الدينية والثقافية، وموقعه الوسطي المنفتح على مختلف الحضارات، وتعرضه التاريخي للعديد من الإستعمارات، دوراً هاماً في جعله أول المجتمعات العربية التي تُخرِج الحرية من دائرة المطالب أو الحقوق المكتسبة التي يمنن بها أولياء السلطة وأصحاب القوّة…

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