Compromisos y Acción: Cómo Ha Contribuido La Centroderecha Chilena A Los Avances En Derechos LGBT

En todo el mundo, la comunidad LGBT ha formado parte de los grupos históricamente discriminados. Aunque aún hay muchos países que penalizan incluso con la muerte las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo, hay otro grupo de naciones, mayoritariamente democracias…

Trans People’s (Un)Rights in Finland

Growing up and living in Finland, I have always felt relatively lucky when it comes to issues such as equality and human rights; we score among the absolute highest in topics such as gender equality, happiness, living standards and freedom…

The discrimination of Roma – Europe’s biggest minority in the shadow

Romani people such as Roma,Sinti, Iberian Kale, Welsh Kale and many others are the biggest minority in Europe- and probably the most forgotten. Approximately 10- 12 million Romani are living Europe, though the number of population can only be estimated…

Liberal Rights and Development – Rachel Edwards

Human rights matter as an end in themselves; I hope this isn’t disputed among liberals. These rights are also crucial to achieve economic growth in developing states. Institutions are the ‘rules of the game’ in society, which shape how people live…

Legalizing Prostitution and the Case for Sex-Workers Rights – Kjersti Møller

On the 2nd of June 2015 it will be 40 years since about 100 sex workers occupied Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon, France to protest against their exploited working conditions. Since then, society has changed a lot, but the rights of…

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