As the human population on Earth grows larger, so does the population living in urban areas—cities, metropolises, megacities, even. It is estimated that >4 billion people live in urban areas globally and even that number is on the rise. It…
Category: Topics
Female Leadership Academy Bangkok 2022
Female Leadership Academy Bangkok 2022 IFLRY organized various academies on female leadership with the purpose of developing leadership abilities in females. This time the Female Leadership Academy (FLA) was organized in Bangkok, Thailand from October 27 – 30, 2022. This…
The Dilemma of Artificial Intelligence and It’s Quest to Get Rid of Artificiality
With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.– Elon Musk One of…
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Liberal Values in International Markets
Nowadays, more and more companies operating on a free market are getting na- tionalised by governments or acquired by state owned or state-controlled companies – within states or crossing the boarders. States are constantly increasing their power as a result.…
Take Pride in Liberalism: IFLRY’s 51st General Assembly
From 24 to 27 November, the International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) held its 51st General Assembly (GA) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The GA was organised in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF), as well as support from Dutch…
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The Dark Night of the Soul
One dark night, fired with love’s urgent longings — ah, the sheer grace! — I went out unseen, my house being now all stilled. In darkness, and secure, by the secret ladder, disguised, — ah, the sheer grace! — in…
Women leaders gathered in Rabat: IFLRY’s Female Leadership Program in action
Berlin, Germany. – At the beginning of the month, from the 03rd to the 06th of November, the International Federation of Liberal Youth – IFLRY had its seminar “Coming together as Female Leaders,” a training for female leaders from Africa…
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Women and Crime
Men’s relish for bloody war cinematography is considered ordinary, while women’sinterest in a genre that recounts and examines a true crime story is deemed peculiar. Indeed, Itis hard for many to believe that soft-hearted females can enjoy a genre so…
At the end of 2010, the FIFA Executive Committee announced that Qatar would become the host country of the 2022 World Cup, with that decision becoming the first Arab nation to host the great world soccer tournament. The State of…
الديكتاتورية العقائدية… ضرب لليبرالية النظام اللبناني – كمال دمج
لَعِبتْ تعددية المجتمع اللبناني الدينية والثقافية، وموقعه الوسطي المنفتح على مختلف الحضارات، وتعرضه التاريخي للعديد من الإستعمارات، دوراً هاماً في جعله أول المجتمعات العربية التي تُخرِج الحرية من دائرة المطالب أو الحقوق المكتسبة التي يمنن بها أولياء السلطة وأصحاب القوّة…
Continue reading الديكتاتورية العقائدية… ضرب لليبرالية النظام اللبناني – كمال دمج