The Real Life Japanese Fairytale Marred by Controversy

Princess Mako of Akishino, the niece of the empror of Japan, recently married a non-royal. This is an event that caused uproar in Japan as the person she married, Kei Komuro, is not considered a good match for the princess…

The Bitter-Sweet Election Victory of Putin’s “United Russia”

Russia’s Duma (lower chamber of the parliament) election has been neither free, nor open. The ruling “United Russia” has allegedly won a constitutional majority, enabling the regime of President Putin to formally legalize any of its decisions. The brutal oppression…

Going Beyond COVID to Understand the U.S. Healthcare Crisis

There is no denying COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on our world. In our healthcare system, resources have been stretched beyond breaking point. Medical professionals are being overworked and subjected to traumatic experiences. As a result, a narrative that…

An Analysis of the Different Forms of Abuse of Power in the UK

Since the emergence of COVID, and the coincidental normalisation of ‘working from home’ within the UK, we seem to have seen more and more forms of corruption and deceit in our politics. Whether this be because the rate of it…

Reunification: A Discussion with United Rural Democrats President Joe Sheperd

In a time of American history where division seems to be sowed between every friend and neighbor, the need for compromise and unification is urgent and dire. While seeking for inspiration to discuss the divides in America, as well as…

What is Happening to the Rights of Women and Girls in Afghanistan?

On the International Day of the Girl Child, we would like to draw attention to the lives of Afghan women and girls under the Taliban regime. The Taliban have once again seized control of the Afghan government, replacing the one…

Liberal September: How Did Liberals Do in this Month’s Elections?

September saw many interesting elections around the world. In many places our liberal brethren made substantial gains or at least managed to shield themselves from losing seats. I’ll go through some of the global elections and give a fairly overall…

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