لطالما كان لبنان بلداً للحريّات. حرّية الرأّي، التّعبير، السياسة، الدين. لطالما كان تصنيفه بحسب التّصنيف العالمي لحرية الصحافة من الأفضل على صعيد البلاد العربيّة.ولكن ومع دخول لبنان عهد الرّئيس ميشال عون، تراجعنا، انهار الوضع، وأصبحت حرّيتنا مقيّدة. ففي عام 2022، …
Category: Continent
IFLRY Abandons Festival in North Korea
Now I know what you’re thinking: why didn’t I hear anything about IFLRY wanting to join a festival in North Korea?! Well, that’s because this happened quite a while ago. If you’re currently active in IFLRY probably before you were…
Western Media Coverage and the Ukrainian Invasion
The Russo-Ukrainian war is a conflict that has been going on since 2014, beginning with the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, and an uprisal of Russian separatists in the Donbas-region. At that time, international media corporations wrote about the…
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Participant’s perspective on Libel’s MENA Workshop
Six years of writing experience with Libel brought me to Istanbul when Libel organized a workshop aimed at writers and prospective writers from the MENA region. Getting a chance to physically congregate with my colleagues who had been pen pals…
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The Healthcare Loophole: developed countries v/s India
In the present world, where medical services are progressively reinforced everywhere therein lies the socio-economic barrier between the population availing these services to the huge proportion of public and communities not availing it. An example is the before birth or…
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Introducing In Vitro Fertilization In Pakistan For The First Time By Dr. Rashid Latif Khan
Dr. Rashid Latif inaugurated the first in vitro fertilization center named “Life’’ in Pakistan for the very first time in 1984. However, he successfully produced a healthy test tube baby after his five years of struggle in 1989. What Is…
The beginning of the End: The fall of the NHS
The fall of the NHS. It seems to be the only (almost) daily occurrence in the news that is reported as a rarity. Quite dramatic, no? The one thing that the UK unified population owe their lives to, if not…
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Bolivia and the Institutions
Bolivia had an institutional change when the referendum and subsequent implementation of the new Political Constitution of the State were held where it became known as the Plurinational State of Bolivia; the change of CPE promised to be the answer…
The Miseducation of Youth
A conservative-led government passes a slew of laws that target the ability of schools to teach about subjects that could create “division” or stoke anti-patriotic sentiment in a legislature dominated by one party silencing the opposition voices. This sounds like…
Leave No Trace: How to Responsibly Enjoy the Outdoors
Spring has officially sprung! With warmer months ahead, outdoor enthusiasts are gearing up to spend more time outdoors enjoying everything that nature has to offer. Whether you’re an avid hiker, camper, or just like spending time in your local park,…
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