Education on emancipation: a necessity or a key to peripheral escape

Depending on the individual rights and judiciary laid out to the youth through educational institutions, one can draw an array of conclusions about how the idea of child rights, liberalism and self awareness is planted amongst the minds of people…

En El Salvador Soñar Es Un Acto De Valentía En Estos Tiempos

Ser joven en El Salvador siempre ha sido complicado. Desde que tengo memoria, las juventudes han sido protagonistas de las problemáticas históricas del país; de las problemáticas, pero, sobre todo, de las soluciones. Más frecuentemente, somos las jóvenes las que…

Compromisos y Acción: Cómo Ha Contribuido La Centroderecha Chilena A Los Avances En Derechos LGBT

En todo el mundo, la comunidad LGBT ha formado parte de los grupos históricamente discriminados. Aunque aún hay muchos países que penalizan incluso con la muerte las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo, hay otro grupo de naciones, mayoritariamente democracias…

Entanglement and quantum cognition: Is Our Brain A Natural Model For A Quantum Computer?

“We are made of light photons, quantum electromagnetic energy, all within and around us. Live your life as such. To play it small is truly against our nature and non-beneficial to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Why do anything…

How Do Excellent Leaders Develop Followership?

Leadership is about inspiring and encouraging others to achieve common goals, not just about owning a title or a position. Excellent leaders are aware of the value of followership and understand that their success depends on their followers’ dedication and…

Allies Not Adversaries – Advocacy For Women’s Empowerment, The Role Of Men

 There has been a long talk about women’s leadership, gender equality, women’s empowerment, etc. Are we hitting the stones on the right nail? In a world that thrives on diversity, in the pursuit of gender equality and empowerment, it is…

Take Pride in Liberalism: IFLRY’s 51st General Assembly

From 24 to 27 November, the International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) held its 51st General Assembly (GA) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The GA was organised in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF), as well as support from Dutch…

الديكتاتورية العقائدية… ضرب لليبرالية النظام اللبناني  – كمال دمج

لَعِبتْ تعددية المجتمع اللبناني الدينية والثقافية، وموقعه الوسطي المنفتح على مختلف الحضارات، وتعرضه التاريخي للعديد من الإستعمارات، دوراً هاماً في جعله أول المجتمعات العربية التي تُخرِج الحرية من دائرة المطالب أو الحقوق المكتسبة التي يمنن بها أولياء السلطة وأصحاب القوّة…

Why Digital Privacy Is a Gender Issue

The fight for gender equality is far from over. In the U.S., the overturning of Roe v. Wade — protecting the right to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy — has undermined women’s basic right to healthcare. In…

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