Bhupender’s Battle for Justice: A Triumph for Street Vendors in Delhi

Bhupender, a street vendor, and a nano-entrepreneur at one of the most populous capital cities on the planet, New Delhi, India faced undue harassment by bureaucracy. This is the story of the challenges that street vendors in India regularly face…

Exploring The Religious Dimension Of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict – A Multidimensional Analysis In this collection of articles, the IFLRY Caucasus Program research team offers a multidimensional analysis of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The perspectives proposed in our inquiry explore and comprehend the topic from different perspectives, therefore…

Tracing The Effects Of Soviet Union’s Policies In Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict – A Multidimensional Analysis In this collection of articles, the IFLRY Caucasus Program research team offers a multidimensional analysis of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The perspectives proposed in our inquiry explore and comprehend the topic from different perspectives, therefore…

The Influence Of The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict On Georgia, Alongside The Perspective That Georgian Society Should Maintain

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict – A Multidimensional Analysis In this collection of articles, the IFLRY Caucasus Program research team offers a multidimensional analysis of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The perspectives proposed in our inquiry explore and comprehend the topic from different perspectives, therefore…

Female Leadership Academy Bangkok 2022

Female Leadership Academy Bangkok 2022 IFLRY organized various academies on female leadership with the purpose of developing leadership abilities in females. This time the Female Leadership Academy (FLA) was organized in Bangkok, Thailand from October 27 – 30, 2022. This…

Determinants and Risk Factors of Suicides in Pakistan

Introduction: Suicide is one of the major causes of death in the whole world. According to WHO, suicide is defined as the ‘’act of intentionally killing oneself’’. Around the world, every 40 seconds, one complete suicide is attempted. 5% of…

لبنان بين اللّيباراليّة.. وعهد القمع

لطالما كان لبنان بلداً للحريّات. حرّية الرأّي، التّعبير، السياسة، الدين. لطالما كان تصنيفه بحسب التّصنيف العالمي لحرية الصحافة من الأفضل على صعيد البلاد العربيّة.ولكن ومع دخول لبنان عهد الرّئيس ميشال عون، تراجعنا، انهار الوضع، وأصبحت حرّيتنا مقيّدة. ففي عام 2022، …

Western Media Coverage and the Ukrainian Invasion

The Russo-Ukrainian war is a conflict that has been going on since 2014, beginning with the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, and an uprisal of Russian separatists in the Donbas-region. At that time, international media corporations wrote about the…

The Healthcare Loophole: developed countries v/s India 

In the present world, where medical services are progressively reinforced everywhere therein lies the socio-economic barrier between the population availing these services to the huge proportion of public and communities not availing it. An example is the before birth or…

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